Landscape near Arles, an oil on canvas painting by Paul Gauguin (1848–1903).
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വിഷയവിവരം ➟


Title: Āstikanāya daivam (ml: ആസ്തികനായ ദൈവം).

Author(s): Kesavan Nair.

First publication details: Sayahna Foundation; Trivandrum, Kerala; 2022.

Deafult language: ml, Malayalam.

Keywords: Popular science, Kesavan Nair, കേശവൻ നായർ, ആസ്തികനായ ദൈവം, Open Access Publishing, Malayalam, Sayahna Foundation, Free Software, XML.

Digital Publisher: Sayahna Foundation; JWRA 34, Jagthy; Trivandrum 695014; India.

Date: March 26, 2022.

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Cover: Landscape near Arles, an oil on canvas painting by Paul Gauguin (1848–1903). The image is taken from Wikimedia Commons and is gratefully acknowledged.

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